Genuine profile with 100% verified and approved from parents and pastors
Trusted matrimony site with 3 days course on marriage is organized by MIC
Many people have found their life partner via Match In Christ
Are you afraid, confused, divorced, a widow/widower? If you have lost hope and are under family/societal pressure to marry? Than come and be blessed by laying a strong foundation for your marriage; and mingle with Singles from other churches and different parts of India as well as internationally.
Their aim is to build Christ-centered relationship with a view to empower and envision singles, as they address issues that are pertinent and relevant in making godly choices and decisions.
A marriage preparation course results in a godly marriage!
Singles Meet is a 3-day camp for singles, where real life issues regarding their single status and married life are discussed with Biblical perspective in a fun environment with group discussion, illustrations, and games. It is the perfect setting for the most important commitment of life, as you mingle with other Christians of your age and make a whole bunch of new Christian friends.
With a view to creatively bring all Singles together from various churches across India for the following purposes:
1. To give them quality time together in a relaxed and spiritual environment.
2. To prepare them with sound Biblical teaching on marriage, for one of the most important decisions in life.
Singles Meet will allow you to connect with fellow Christians of an age with you, while you are refreshed and challenged to share experiences of God's faithfulness through life changing testimonies!
Speakers at the Singles Meet look forward to empowering and envisioning Singles, as they address issues that are pertinent and relevant to single Christians.
Question: Who can attend?
English speaking, unmarried Christian candidates, between the age of 18 to 45; and recommended by their pastors.
The following books on the subject are highly recommended:
1. Sex, love & marriage --- Zac Poonan.
2. I married you --- Walter Trobisch.
3. Preparing for marriage --- William Mcrae.
4. The Christian family --- Larry Christenson.
5. After a wedding comes a marriage --- Florence Littauer.
At singles meet while some have met their future spouses and many have off loaded the baggage of their past!
In case of an alliance, Match in Christ provides assistance in co-ordination with their pastors and leaders.
The Singles Meet form will be uploaded once the date is confirmed.
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